Seth Thomas # 113 A

Technical information about the Seth Thomas #113A mechanism.The
mechanism plays the westminster chime on a set of 5 rods friction fit into a gong
block that says Mayland NY USA on it . The rods are a steel color and are .116
inches in diameter. This particular mechanism has 10521 stamped directly below the
in.Seth Thomas # 113 A identification on the back plate. The suspension spring is
.003 inches strong by .250 inches wide and the distance between the pins is 1.060 inches.
The pendulum leader is 3.225 inches long. The winding gears are the same IE: the small
gears that go on the arbors are all the same (diameter and tooth count ) and the larger
gears are also the same likewise. The time and strike barrells are identical in that
they both have the same tooth count and the same diameter and the same barrell diameter
and the same width : 76 teeth 2.255 inches diameter (gear end) 2.046 inches barrell
diameter and 1.040 inches thick. The chime barrell has a gear diameter of 2.505 inches
and barrell diameter of 2.315 inches and a thickness of 1.150 inches and a tooth
count of 84. The self correct spring is made of blued steel and has a dimple on the
end . It is .165 inches wide and .009 inches strong. The chime trip lever cog has a
return spring that is .013 inches strong. The strike shutoff lever return spring is
.014 inches strong. The chime trip lever return spring is also .014 inches strong. The
chime mainspring is 1in. by .018in. by 92 inches ; the strike and time mainsprings are
the same : .875in. by .018in. by 82 inches. The 113A ; 113; and 113AB take different
mainsprings. The strike shutoff cam on this clock wears towards the rack and
consequentially it will bind when it finally wears down far enough to bottom out on the

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