Bronze bushings will outlast brass in most cases. Be sure to check for wear
that does not show: that is , wear underneath the oil cup. Before pressing in a new
bushing be absolutely sure that the hole is re-centered. PICTURE Reamers are
available that will make a hole just the right size for the bushing to be press-fit into
the plate. I have always used a micrometer to measure the pivot sizes and it
seems to work just fine. Remember that when a bushing is pressed into the brass
plate, the hole in the center of the bushing will be squeezed to a smaller size, Between
.001 and .002 is common. Keep this in mind when choosing the bushing size for the
pivot.Relocating a worn bushing to its true center is difficult and must be done
carefully. Before disassembling the mechanism, after cleaning it, check each bushing
to find out how much wear has occurred. The bushings that are worn should be
marked, if necessary , and the amount and direction of wear should be noted , by
a mark on the plate with a non-permanent marking pen with an extremely fine point.
I have used a small round taper file to back file the bushings to their original center.
Do this by filing back as far as they have worn.Use a drill bit to open up the hole
before using the reamer on it.