Watch the winding stop; be sure the cable pushes it over far enough to actually
hit the pin. Be sure to take the fusee apart and clean it out. The ratchet is on the
inside not much oil is required to make this part work; too much will cause the ratchet
to eventually gum up and stop working. At the point where the cable comes out of the fusee, check very carefully to be sure there are no sharp edges. If you do not remove
these edges , the cable will break. The pendulums on most fusee clocks have the impulse
loop built into the pendulum rod as an actual cut out slot for the impulse pin to
fit into. The surfaces of these slots are critical. They must be free of rough surfaces.
Check for gouges, wear marks, or hardened oil deposits. Also, of course , check for
looseness of the impulse pin.

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